
The global developer community is always building the next version of our future. Daily.dev is the ‘homepage’ of developers everywhere. The company’s technology gathers the most up-to-date and relevant news, content and discussion from the dev industry and delivers it via an online portal; in the process, building the largest developer community in the world.


Why we chose to invest in Daily.dev:

Daily.dev serves those who are developing the tools, products and services that will help make tomorrow’s world a better place to live. The global community of developers is one of the most attractive audiences out there, in terms of purchasing power of products and software, training and recruitment, and more. Everyone wants a piece of the dev community, whether it be prospective employers, software companies or recruiters. Daily.dev is building a branded community and home for developers, one that provides a sense of value and belonging. A brand they will be loyal to. That’s powerful stuff.